Our Sustainability Journey

  • 2006

    • We signed the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, which consists of 10 articles on human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.
  • 2008

    • We prepared our first Sustainability Report.
  • 2009

    • We signed the “Management is Women's Right” Declaration of the Turkish Quality Association (Kalder).
    • We became one of the first three companies in Türkiye to sign the Cancun Declaration against global warming.
  • 2010

    • We became one of the first three Turkish companies to sign the United Nations 2 ºC Declaration on Fighting Climate Change.
    • We joined the "World Business Council for Sustainable Development" as the second member from Türkiye.
  • 2011

    • We signed the World Business Council for Sustainable Development's Declaration on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
  • 2012

    • As Borusan Holding, we committed to support women's empowerment in business and society by signing the UN WEP (United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles). 
    • We signed the “Ethics at Work” Declaration. 
  • 2013

    • We signed the Equality at Work Declaration and joined the Equality at Work Platform established with the participation of Türkiye's leading companies. Within the scope of the platform, we committed to provide more opportunities for women in working life and improve their conditions.
    • We signed the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles.
  • 2014

    • We became the first Turkish company to join the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles Leadership Group.
  • 2015

    • We founded the Equal Borusan Platform.
  • 2016

    • We won the 1st prize from The League of American Communications Professionals with our Sustainability Report.
  • 2017

    • We received the TÜHİD Golden Compass UNDP Special Award for our Sustainability Report.
  • 2018

    • With the Harmanlık Wind Power Plant in Bursa, which we commissioned in 2015 under the roof of Borusan EnBW Enerji, we received an award in the Wind category at the 2018 Energy Awards given within the scope of the 24th ICCI Environment and Energy Fair.
  • 2020

    • We re-evaluated the sustainability strategies of the Holding and group companies and adopted a perspective inspired by the future.
    • We redefined our Group sustainability strategy in line with the focus areas of climate, human and innovation.
    • Within the scope of the Gender Lens program we implemented under the Equal Borusan platform, we prepared a " Equal Borusan Commitment" for all our general managers and ensured that the issue is embraced with determination by senior management.
  • 2021

    • We announced our commitment to become carbon neutral by 2030 with a focus on "Climate", one of our sustainability topics that we address comprehensively.
    • Borusan Holding and Borusan Lojistik joined the Sustainable Development Association - Business Plastics Initiative.
    • We have included Borçelik, Borusan Cat, Borusan Pipe and Borusan Otomotiv Group in the UN Global Compact, of which Borusan Group has been a signatory since 2006.
    • We published our Borusan Sustainability Guide.
  • 2022

    • We published the first integrated annual report among holding companies in Turkey.
    • We launched our Sustainable Benefit Program, which will bear its first fruits on the 100th anniversary of our Republic.
    • We launched the Inspiring the Future Award Program, which honors the sustainability projects of Borusan employees.
  • 2023

    • We published the Borusan Sustainable Procurement Policy.
    • We signed the UN Global Compact with Borusan EnBW Enerji and became one of the participating companies.